Tree Of Redemption
“Tree of Redemption” is a painting that knits together the catastrophic events of the Old Testament in the garden of Eden, with the promise of redemption in the New Testament. In Genesis, the tree of knowledge of good and evil is at the center of the tragedy where all of creation and humanity is cursed. In the Gospels, the tree that Jesus hung on during the crucifixion brings about a promise of life and redemption to both humanity and creation.
In Genesis, after Adam and Eve listened to the serpent and ate of the fruit that they were forbidden to eat, life was forever changed. The earth, the perfect garden, that God had created and called very good, He now cursed. Humanity, that was supposed to live in perfect communication with God and live forever on earth, was now going to experience separation from God, and a physical death. The passage in Genesis 3:14-19, reveals that the earth will be full of thorns and thistles from that point on. The serpent, Satan himself, will be crushed by the future offspring of the woman, which is later revealed in the Gospels as Jesus. In the account of Jesus’ crucifixion, He is mocked by the Romans, and they place a crown of thorns on His head and call Him the King of the Jews.
Symbolism Revealed. In the center of this painting, the tree represents both trees. The original curse of all of creation (humanity and earth), and the tree that Jesus hung on. The crown of thorns represents the thorns of the earth in Genesis and the crown that was placed on Jesus’ head. Very subtly, I painted a tree limb to double as a branch and also as the outstretched arm of Jesus. By His death on the cross, He supernaturally set into motion the redemption of both creation and humanity which will be revealed in its entirety at the “fullness of time’.
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time…we also groan inwardly for our adoption…the redemption of our bodies.” Romans 8:22-23
“Tree of Redemption”, Oil on Canvas, 2013, Private Collection, GA