Soul in the State of Sorrow

“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:5

Often times, sorrow visits me when I begin to focus on what other people “might” think. Sorrow comes when I focus on my failures and put on shame as my identity. Sorrow comes when I think about where I think I should be by now personally and professionally, but I’m not. Sorrow comes when I compare myself with others and fail to recognize that my own journey has incredible value. Sorrow comes when I go inward and become absorbed with myself. Sorrow comes when I only think of the losses in my life and not all that I’ve gained. Sorrow comes and makes itself at home like an unwelcome guest. Sorrow only leaves when I’m able to look at my life through God’s lens.

“Soul in the State of Sorrow”, is one of 6 paintings in the “Soul in the State of “series. As I mentioned in a previous post, after “Lifeline”, painted in 1996, sold to my artist friend Caitlin Schmitt, I decided to do 6 more paintings based on the various states of my soul. This particular painting depicts sorrow. It has a very similar composition to “Lifeline” but utilizes a much darker color palette. I did not want to use all black for this painting because even in the midst of sorrow and depression, I’m always able to find my way back to God. I included darker shades of green to show that there is still growth in this state. It’s during these dark times that I typically draw closer to Him for strength and as a result, grow even stronger.

“Soul in the State of Sorrow”, 24”x24”, Oil on Canvas, 2023 Available for Purchase


The End of Winter and Darkness


Cobalt Iris