The End of Winter and Darkness

Although I grew up with a mother that planted a vast array of flower gardens in every house that we ever lived in, I never inherited the green thumb. I really do try, but I also get distracted. Unfortunately, I forget to water the plants, or I plant them where they receive more or less sun than they actually need. I have grand visions mind you. I’ve used graph paper in the past to map out a spectacular plan and then like a kid in a candy store, I order the flower bulbs. In the end it usually all comes to naught.

Notice I said USUALLY it all comes to naught. I lived in Georgia for about 18 years and had a little bit of land to play in the dirt. I particularly love flowers that are shades of blue and purple. I remembered seeing Grape Hyacinths growing up and they seemed to be some of the first flowers to come up after winter. I also remembered that they were pretty hearty. To my pleasant surprise, I ordered the bulbs, I planted the bulbs, and they came up year after year.

“Grape Hyacinths”, 24” x 24”, Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

This painting “Grape Hyacinths” is one of 8 paintings painted for my “Faithful Thus Far” series. The “Grape Hyacinths” represented my season of living in Georgia. I have so many incredible memories from living there but they are punctuated by very dark gut-wrenching moments. I struggled with major depression that became debilitating at times. This painting was painted to remind me of God’s faithfulness during this time. Although it seemed like winter and darkness would stay forever, up came the fresh chartreuse green shoots and mini grape-colored flowers and out came the sun. Likewise, I was able to push up through the dirt and blossom where God had planted me.

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23


Soul in the State of Sorrow